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Top Reasons HOA Boards Get Sued-Prism Realty HOA Management-Prism Realty-Brett McAnally

Top Reasons HOA Boards Get Sued

We’ve discussed HOA legal obligations and HOA Board responsibilities this month, which leads us to the top reasons HOA Boards get sued.  Maintenance Failures The top reason is the failure of the association to maintain, repair, or...

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HOA Short-Term Rental Restrictions-Short Term Rentals-Prism Realty HOA Management-Brett McAnally Prism Realty-Austin HOA Management

HOA Short-Term Rental Restrictions

The short-term rental boom happened after most HOA communities around the country were created. Several communities lack restrictive covenants to inhibit short-term rentals. Either that or the restrictions are dated, ambiguous and easil...

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The Importance of an Emergency Plan-Prism Realty HOA Management-Brett McAnally

The Importance of an Emergency Plan

Disasters can happen at any moment. Your community should have a plan in place before an emergency arises. The importance of an emergency plan is not only for peace of mind but could save lives if the unexpected happens. Review the plan an...

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Violation Letter-Prism Realty HOA Management-Brett McAnally-HOA-Management-Companies-in-Austin-Austin-HOA-Managers-Homeowners-Association-Management-in-Austin

Violation Letter

Sending an official violation letter is an unpleasant but necessary association task. HOA violations will occur at some point, whether homeowners forget the rules or purposefully violate them in the hopes that they won’t get caught. HOA ...

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How to Handle a BOD Bully-Prism Realty HOA Management-Brett McAnally

How to Handle a BOD Bully

At some point, every Homeowners Association Board of Directors will have someone who should come with a mute button.  While most Board members act maturely and can work together civilly, there will be those who prefer discord and intimida...

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Prism Realty Management - How to Put Together an HOA Board Recruitment Letter - Austin Association Management - Austin HOA Management - Austin Condo Management - HOA board recruitment letter

How to Put Together an HOA Board Recruitment Letter

If you have an open position on your HOA board or you want to be prepared for when it’s time to fill a position, a recruitment letter is a great place to start! A letter gives a personal touch to the recruitment process, allows you to ou...

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Prism Realty Management - Sample HOA Board Code of Ethics - Austin HOA Management - Austin Association Management - HOA Management Tips

Sample HOA Board Code of Ethics

HOA board members are leaders in the community and should be held to an ethical standard and have a set of rules that help guide them to be considerate and understanding towards residents. Just as companies and businesses have a code of et...

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PRM - How is Your Self-Managed HOA Performing - Austin Association Management Companies - Austin HOA Management - Best Association Managers in Austin - Self-Managed HOA

How is Your Self-Managed HOA Performing?

HOAs can’t run on their own. They need great board members and dedicated residents to stay on top of the day-to-day duties; otherwise, your community could be at risk of falling through the cracks. How is your self-managed HOA performing...

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Prism Realty Management - Sample HOA Board Meeting Minutes - example of hoa board meeting minutes - Austin Association Management - Austin HOA Management - Austin Condo Management

Sample HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Official records of meetings are required to be kept by HOA boards. Usually, that responsibility falls to the secretary of the HOA board, who records the meeting minutes, ensures that they are signed off on, and properly filed and stored a...

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Prism Realty Management - Sample HOA Community Meeting Agenda - HOA Meeting Agendas - HOA Agenda Templates - Texas HOA Meeting Agenda - Austin Association Management

Sample HOA Community Meeting Agenda

Before an annual meeting or any important HOA meeting, it’s important to create and send out an agenda to homeowners that outlines what will be covered in the meeting. If you’re not sure what those agendas should look like, we’ve cre...

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