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Things HOA Boards Wish They Knew Before They Started

Whether you’re just starting out as a new HOA Board or a seasoned community with countless years under your belt, we bet that you’ve run into some common pitfalls that almost all HOA Boards face. Luckily, knowledge is power, and we’re taking a deeper look into things HOA Boards wish they knew before they started to ensure success.

Let’s take a look!

Be Clear About Member’s Roles

Clarity is one of the most important elements of a successful HOA and one of the most difficult to master. With so many moving parts, it can be challenging to ensure that every role is properly filled and everyone clearly understands their responsibilities. However, taking the time to plan out these roles and responsibilities will save you time, money, and effort in the long run. 

Communicate Efficiently With The Community

Communication is key in an HOA. A perfectly balanced system of communication between an HOA and its homeowners will leave residents feeling heard and happy. It’s also critical for an HOA Board to efficiently share information about the community, new developments, and updates with residents. One of the best ways to do this is through a regular email newsletter, your community website, and social media. 

Be Impartial In Conflicts, But Fair

One of the most dreaded aspects of a homeowner’s association is the conflicts that are sure to occur. An HOA Board should always be impartial in these conflicts, but fair. Strong leadership comes from tough love and unbiased understanding. Listen to your residents, let them know you hear them, and deliver your verdict. 

Know When To Partner With Others

You don’t have to go it alone! Whether you’re facing a legal issue or dealing with a particularly difficult homeowner, there are many professionals who specialize in HOA management that can help! If you have any questions about leveling up your HOA Board, give us a call at 512-676-5842 — we’d be happy to talk to you about who we are, the services we offer, and our process.