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How To Conserve Water In Your HOA Community

Texas has been under an excessive heat warning for most of the summer, hitting record-breaking temperatures and making it difficult to stay cool. When situations like this occur, it’s important to do your part and conserve water.

Not only does this go for homeowners, but HOA communities and neighborhoods as well. Let’s dive into a few ways your HOA can help conserve water and reduce water bills.

Manual Watering

If your HOA uses sprinkler systems, it might be time to reconsider. Much of the water used to water the community lawns and landscaping is wasted due to poorly positioned sprinklers causing water run-off. One alternative is to have your landscaping crews water manually so they can make sure the water is all being used appropriately. Also, consider the number of times you have your crews out watering. Depending on the season, some sessions can be skipped, which is a significant contribution to the overall use of water.

Irrigation Systems

Often you might have leaks in your irrigation systems that you’re unaware of. Ensure your irrigation system is checked regularly to ensure it’s working correctly and not wasting water. If you can, have the system checked each time the irrigation system is turned on, and if you can avoid using it for a cycle, that would go a long way. 

Upgrade To Mulch

Mulch comes with many benefits for conservation. It absorbs a lot of moisture, so you don’t have to water as much, and it helps reduce the need for irrigation. In addition, trees and plants love mulch, so adding it to the garden beds will improve their appearance and paint your HOA in a nice light. 

Rethink Your Landscaping

Certain plants, trees, and flowers require more water than others to look beautiful, so keep that in mind when thinking about what to plant. We’re not saying you shouldn’t have any landscaping at all, but consider utilizing drought-resistant plants that are easier to manage and require less water. 

If your HOA Board needs help with ways to conserve water or any other association issues, contact Prism Realty Management. Give us a call at 512-676-5842 — we’d be happy to talk to you about who we are, the services we offer, and our process.