Every year HOA meetings come around, and every year, it is a struggle to get homeowners to attend. Many homeowners are busy with property upkeep, their personal lives, and often just don’t seem concerned about their HOA issues. Since there is usually a quorum (minimum number of attendees) and vital topics discussed, such as the annual budget, dues, upcoming projects, and any homeowner concerns, it is essential that you have a large portion of the community present.

However, there are several great ways that you can increase attendance at these meetings while simultaneously getting your community more actively involved.
Give Enough Notice
More often than not, homeowners are failing to attend these annual meetings because they’re busy! If you offer ample notice and remind members to mark their calendars, homeowners will be much more likely to show up. Make sure that you know state laws on HOA notices like this because many will have constraints set for minimum and maximum days’ notice.
Advertise Frequently
While several structured methods are in place to send notice of annual meetings, HOAs can also notify their members in exciting and interesting ways. Consider advertising these meetings on bulletin boards, the calendar section of your HOA website, reminders in your monthly newsletter, and even on social media!
Share The Agenda
Don’t hold back on any key details in promoting these meetings. Homeowners will show up for issues they care about, so it’s important to distribute the agenda to all members prior to the meeting. In fact, many states require it! Your agenda should include the meeting location and timeframe, the topics to be discussed, and a breakdown of the issues with time limits for each discussion.
Follow these tips to keep homeowners in the loop and passionate about being a part of your association. You will be amazed at the uptick in not only attendance at these annual HOA meetings but also involvement. If your HOA Board needs help with their annual HOA meeting attendance, contact Prism Realty Management. Give us a call at 512-676-5842 — we’d be happy to talk to you about who we are, the services we offer, and our process.