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HOA Newsletters And Why They’re Important

HOA newsletters are not only informative, but they are also a way for HOA Board members to connect with their residents. Let’s look at a few reasons why you should have a newsletter and what kinds of things should be included.

A Feeling Of Community

All residents have at least one thing in common, which is that they all live in the same neighborhood. People like feeling as though they are a part of something and they want to know what the latest news is in the area. 

What to Include: To expand on the feeling of community, include information about upcoming events in your neighborhood or the area and information/achievements about your residents. Residents will love to hear what other people are doing.

Keeps Residents Informed And On The Same Page

Be transparent and truthful with your residents. You never want them to feel like you’re keeping things from them or have them be surprised when a new policy is put into place. 

What to Include: To expand on keeping members on the same page, include things like policy changes, new rules and regulations, etc. 

Gets Residents Involved

People love giving their input and talking about things they like and it will make them feel like they’re really helping to make the community better.

What to Include: To expand on getting your residents involved, ask for their input on what types of events or content they would like to see in the newsletters. 
So if you’re wondering if you need a newsletter for your HOA, the answer is yes! It’s a quick and easy way to stay in contact with your residents. If your HOA Board needs help with HOA newsletters or any other association issues, contact Prism Realty Management. Give us a call at 512-676-5842 — we’d be happy to talk to you about who we are, the services we offer, and our process.