Have you ever looked around your HOA Board of Directors meeting to see the same familiar faces and wondered why they’re still there, then wondered – why am I still here?? The most common answer is “there’s no one to take my place”…other common responses are “no one has the experience,” “homeowners just don’t want to volunteer,” and our favorite “no one knows how to do things properly.” These answers are HOA Board problems, not HOA community problems.
Having the same members on an HOA Board year after year creates a stale environment that inevitably becomes out of touch with the community they’re tasked to represent. An effective HOA reflects their entire community – to do this you need new faces, new ideas, fresh perspectives, and different points of view. The fact is, an HOA Board member should begin searching for their replacement the moment they are elected. How do you find new volunteers? Communication is key! It’s up to the HOA Board to communicate how Association members can get involved and help make the community a better place to live.
Keep Association Members In the Loop
Communicating important information about the community must be repetitive and easy to access. Homeowners should be welcome to attend Board meetings, but how often are they specifically invited? Does your Board send out one notice of an upcoming meeting, then another notice of the minutes after the meeting, with a link that requires a log-in that the homeowner received in their overstuffed HOA folder when they moved in 10 years ago? How do you let your community know what you’re doing with their money? Do you have a newsletter, website, blog, Facebook page, or paper mailer? Is your form of communication effective? If you use more than one, which one is most effective? These are essential questions to ask. Figuring out the best way to communicate with members in your HOA will help with engagement over time. If your members feel that they matter and have a voice, they will begin to step up and become involved.
Encourage Ideas
Homeowners should have a voice in the Association. Your Board will benefit from your members’ perspectives, ideas, concerns, and expertise, and they should be encouraged to speak up. The best way to encourage folks to share their opinions is by creating an open forum during HOA Board meetings. Communicate the discussion opportunity to the community, invite folks to attend, promote an open forum with topic guidelines (i.e., better communication strategies, community event ideas), let the community know their ideas matter.
Plan Social Gatherings
Homeowners need the opportunity to participate in community activities now more than ever. We’ve all been isolated for so long, now is the Board’s time to call for volunteers to help plan recreational, social, or cultural activities for everyone to enjoy. Socials not only help people get to know each other and build fellowship, but it also shows emerging leaders. Socials open the door for Board members to plant that seed for committee involvement and ultimately find their replacements.
Find Your Committee Volunteers
Homeowners should be encouraged to volunteer to serve on committees (i.e., welcome, landscape, budget, or pool committee). Encourage homeowners to be involved so that they feel like they’re part of the community. Most people are reluctant to offer their time and energy, but your Board needs to keep asking, keep offering, keep seeking leaders to volunteer. You will eventually find the folks that want to serve, and you will thank yourself as you watch a new generation get installed at next year’s annual membership meeting!
With the communication techniques mentioned above and healthy encouragement to be involved, more people will be proud to live in your community and the excitement to volunteer will grow. The important thing to remember is that giving up will not work. Giving up will not put fresh faces at the table or new ideas in circulation.
Each member of the elected HOA Board has an important role, temporary stewardship, and a responsibility to find their own replacement. If your HOA Board needs help with member engagement or any other association issues, contact Prism Realty Management. Give us a call at 512-676-5842 — we’d be happy to talk to you about who we are, the services we offer, and our process.