America has been making strides to better itself regarding diversity and inclusion. While that progress may seem slow, it is happening – and associations must ensure that they are doing the same. Homeowners associations that intend to remain relevant to their communities must recognize the importance of diversity, equality, and inclusion. There are several opportunities for HOA associations to improve diversity and inclusion amongst their organization; however, the burning question many associations face is where do we begin? If your Board is asking this question, you have already gone through the first step – realizing improvements can always be made. If you have board members who think that things are fine the way they are, then it might be a good time to start recruiting new board members from your undoubtedly diverse pool of homeowners in your community.
Oftentimes race and ethnicity come to mind when folks hear the word ‘diversity,’ but there are so many more underrepresented demographics that your HOA must consider! Diversity includes individual characteristics of your community, such as age, gender identity, nationality, physical ability, language preference. HOA’s must “ensure their organizations are promoting diversity and inclusion, and not simply writing statements that denounce racism.” Association Forum.org white paper Achieving Diversity In Associations
Once you have defined diversity property, then it’s time to consider inclusivity. Inclusivity means creating an environment where every demographic in your community needs to feel welcomed and represented. It is essential to your HOA that traditionally marginalized groups not only feel valued but equal – because they are!
It is essential to let your community know that you are focusing on this initiative and call for volunteers to help drive this progress through direct involvement. Form a committee with volunteers from a wide variety of demographic backgrounds and identities to offer insight into what is and is not working within the HOA community. The greater the participation by a diverse group of contributors, the greater the chances of identifying all of the challenges and solving them more creatively.
The first few meetings might be difficult, but those are the conversations that need to happen. Here are a few ways to kick off the initial meetings once a committee has been established:
- Develop and make clear statements of purpose
- Does our HOA represent our entire community?
- If the HOA lacks certain areas of representation – how does the recruitment strategy for new board members and volunteers need to change to become more diverse and inclusive?
Regular ongoing communication to the entire community on the progress and work of the volunteer committee is an integral part of gaining support and momentum for this initiative. Share progress and ask for input at the annual meeting, leadership meetings, newsletters, etc.
Now that you have your task force and you’ve asked all of the difficult questions and gotten the feedback you need – draft how the association will approach diversity and inclusion. This initiative’s planning, development, and implementation must be ongoing with monthly meetings and open, honest conversations to promote the importance of inclusion throughout the community. Your HOA Board might want to consider an addendum or addition to their governing documents to turn this initiative into an infinite practice. Refer to our blog on modifying HOA Bylaws, Covenants & Rules for guidance.
Now is a critical time for your HOA to adopt appropriate and inclusive organizational policies and practices. Highlight the value of diversity and inclusion and adopt practices that support and foster a positive community for all residents.
Prism Realty Management is here to help your Board make the right choices and create a safe environment for ALL of your residents. Ready to learn more? Reach out to us anytime at (512) 609-8098 or info@prismrp.com.