Communication is essential for HOA governance. For a homeowner’s association to function smoothly and efficiently, the HOA board of directors must meet regularly to discuss the association’s operations; and owners must be allowed to meet at least once a year with an open forum to voice concerns and ask questions.
There are Four Types of Homeowner’s Association Meetings:
Annual Meeting, Board Meetings, Committee Meetings, Special or Emergency Meetings
Annual Meeting. Most Homeowner Association governing documents require the association to have a yearly meeting, typically at the first of the year. The association must inform all homeowners in advance of the annual meeting; HOA governing documents will define the timeframe for notification and how the notice will be delivered to the community. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the annual meeting, and the HOA Board is required to attend. The HOA budget is typically presented to the community at the annual meeting, followed by a discussion of the main issues the community will be facing. New board members get elected at this meeting, and significant projects or assessments will be announced. The annual meeting will set the tone for newly elected board members and determine how the board will proceed in the community’s best interest.
Board Meetings. The HOA Board should meet quarterly or monthly to address the community’s business. Elected board members are required to attend all board meetings, be informed of the time and date, and be provided with an agenda prior to the scheduled meetings. The HOA governing documents will define the details and terms of an association’s board meetings. The community should receive a copy of the agenda, and residents are typically welcome to attend. The agenda for a board meeting should be deliberate and outline precisely what the board will discuss until the floor opens for new business. At an HOA Board meeting, discussion topics are typically operations, maintenance reports, disputes and resolutions, and future planning.
Executive Session. During a board meeting, the board may request an executive session. This session will typically occur right after the board meeting and should be closed. The board, and possibly someone directly involved in an issue, will be the only attendees at this private meeting, and discretion is expected. This session is usually called to address delinquent dues payments, litigation issues, or internal committee disputes.
Committee Meetings. Depending on the size of the HOA, the board may designate standing or special committees to help the association run more efficiently through smaller-scale workgroups. Committees are made up of volunteers and board members and have the flexibility to meet weekly, monthly, or quarterly, depending on their action items, tasks, and workflow timelines.
Special Meetings. The board will call a special or emergency meeting if immediate action is required. Issues that might require a special meeting to be called could include natural disaster prep or clean-up, sudden property damage, or road hazard and safety situations.
The nature of an HOA neighborhood is unique because the community belongs to all homeowners. Every member of an HOA is important, and how well it operates will significantly impact the community as a whole.
Have a question about effectively running any of these four types of HOA meetings in the greater Austin area? Prism Realty Management is here to help. Reach out to us anytime at brett@prismrp.com or by calling (512) 676-5842.