Excellent communication is what sets good HOAs apart from the rest. Being able to keep residents informed and included improves the life of the residents. There are all kinds of communication techniques, and using more than one can guarantee open and effective correspondence. Let’s take a look at the communication tools your HOA can use to stay connected.
A website is a great place to store information that residents can access. It can include the basic information that everyone should know, like meetings, events, and amenities updates, but it can also include more detailed information. By adding a member portal where residents can log in to their personal account, the website can host member-only documents and even give residents a place to make maintenance requests, submit HOA dues, and contact HOA board members directly.
Calls are a great way to handle personal questions about rules and regulations. It’s often not the best way to give the whole community updates and information, but phone calls work well for quick questions.
Emails and newsletters are one of the best ways to communicate with the residents in the community regularly. Your board can send out notices and keep members informed, but you can also choose to send information to all residents at once or individually.
You can use Facebook Groups, committees, clubs, etc., to help get the word out about community events and changes to the amenities. Using social media is a good option if you’d like your community members to have more say in what goes on or if you’d like them to talk to each other.
These are a few of the communication tools your HOA has at its disposal to stay in touch with the community. Be sure to ask how your community likes to be contacted and consider it when deciding the best ways to pass along information. You should be in contact with your residents regularly and have open lines of communication for them to contact you as well.
If you need help creating open communication with your community, contact Prism Realty Management. Give us a call at 512-676-5842 — we’d be happy to talk to you about who we are, the services we offer, and our process.