Serving on an HOA board offers residents an opportunity to get to know the area, the neighbors, and protect the home values in the neighborhood. The experience can be rewarding as well as full of responsibility. It’s important to know what to look for when voting for board members. Here are some of the qualities that make a great HOA board member.
1. Volunteer at Heart
Someone with volunteer experience can be a great asset. It means that they understand the time and patience needed to hold a position without monetary compensation.
2. Respect Civic Duty
People who are excited about building a better community and getting residents involved in the neighborhood are great additions to an HOA board as they seek to make long-term improvements.
3. Radiate Positivity
Being a member of the board can come with challenges, so it’s important to seek out individuals that see the good in every situation. Members with positive expectations can keep others from becoming discouraged.
4. Fairness First
Personal interests have to be put aside for the betterment of the community. It’s crucial to have residents that will treat everyone with fairness and respect and set aside any personal matters. They must recognize that the rules apply to everyone, including themselves.
5. Business Brain
Running a neighborhood has many similarities to running a business. Business savvy members can often predict problems, make long-term decisions, keep the big picture in mind, and troubleshoot as issues come up.
6. Excited to Learn
It’s likely that you’ll have board members that don’t have any experience serving on a board or even residents that are completely new to the area. This doesn’t have to be a weakness if they carry an excitement to learn about the community and how they can help their neighbors. Laws, liabilities, and community needs are likely to change, so someone who is adaptable and willing to keep track of these changes is necessary.
Setting the right expectations with your HOA board members is crucial to keeping the community grounded and working towards a common goal. Knowing some of the qualities that make a great HOA board member will help your HOA be dynamic and adaptable. If you’re curious about what else it takes to build a strong community and HOA, contact Prism Realty Management. Give us a call at 512-676-5842 — we’d be happy to talk to you about who we are, the services we offer, and our process.