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Showing Value in Your HOA in Uncertain Times

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There’s no doubt that the current circumstances have opened our eyes and given everyone and every industry new things to consider as we move forward. From switching up how restaurants deliver food to how HOAs conduct business, there’s been change after change to get used to. In these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to show residents the value in your HOA.

Be available for questions, comments, and concerns.

Many HOAs would have in-person meetings where residents could talk face to face with members of their community, but in the past few months, many of those meetings were canceled or rescheduled. To make sure that your residents are still receiving answers and feel like they’ve been heard, consider:

Be transparent.

Your residents are going to want to be informed about every decision during this time. It’s understandable that there may have been changes like community pools, parks, and athletic facilities closed. There may have also been changes to lawn care, maintenance, etc. If that’s the case, let residents know about those changes, how you will be moving forward, when to expect updates, and what will happen to any leftover HOA funds from any services that weren’t completed during the time that businesses were closed. Use your newsletter, website, email, social media, or bulletin board to inform and educate.

Keep your community engaged.

You want to continue to make sure that your community feels like they’re in touch with their neighbors and the neighborhood. You can do this by:

If you need help connecting with your residents, showing the value in your HOA, or help managing your property, contact Prism Realty Management. Learn about who we are, the services we offer, and our process, then give us a call at 512-676-5842.

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